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White papers

White papers

Powerbox library contains a wide variety of white papers that can hep you to understand the latest technologies used within the power industry, solve a problem, or make a decision. These white papers cover technology topics, market trends, safety and regulations and many others contributing to make your business successful.

Crossing the chasm with success – WBG!

WP 043 – 2025.03.26
The power electronics industry has seen many innovations and now, we’re witnessing a major step forward with WBG semiconductors. Adopting technology presents challenges, market adoption and ecosystem building are more complex. Here’s an update on WBG’s progress.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Crossing the chasm with success – WBG!

New power technologies for industry modernization!

WP 042 – 2024.11.28
How to tackle challenges when migrating to Industry 4.0?
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
New power technologies for industry modernization!

Ecodesign, Reuse, Repair, Prolonging Lifetime and New Technology – Is it the new paradox?

WP 041 – 2024.09.02
How will the power supply industry embrace this change and how could it contribute to prolonging the lifetime of equipments and to reduce waste?
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Ecodesign, Reuse, Repair, Prolonging Lifetime and New Technology – Is it the new paradox?

Digital Product Passports and Power Electronics

Digital Product Passports and Power Electronics
WP 040 – 2024.03.13
Exploring the evolution of regulations in the electronics industry and the upcoming Digital Product Passport.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Digital Product Passports and Power Electronics

Rugged Power supplies for harsh and defense applications – what to consider?

Rugged Power supplies for harsh and defense applications – what to consider?
WP 039 – 2024.02.14
Designing effective defense power systems requires a deep grasp of complex performance needs, rigorous testing, and environmental challenges.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Rugged Power supplies for harsh and defense applications – what to consider?

European Ecodesign – Energy Efficiency What’s next?

European Ecodesign – Energy Efficiency What’s next?
WP 038 – 2023.12.19
Environmental demands now integrate Ecodesign principles, how will this impact the community?
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
European Ecodesign – Energy Efficiency What’s next?

The hidden face of the power industry!

The hidden face of the power industry!
WP 037 – 2023.10.06
The hidden face of the power supply industry or When standard products are not enough!
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
The hidden face of the power industry!

When power electronics makes PCR test possible and accurate!

When power electronics makes PCR test possible and accurate!
WP 036 – 2023.06.22
With COVID-19 PCR tests became common, read about how the PCR technology started and how the power supply industry contributed to PCR accuracy.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
When power electronics makes PCR test possible and accurate!

Can the EU become energy independent?

Can the EU become energy independent?
WP 035 – 2023.04.18
The EU Green Deal aims to make Europe the first climate neutral continent by 2050 by reducing carbon emissions through renewable energy sources and hydrogen will play an important role in.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Can the EU become energy independent?

Powering Outer Space Farming!

Powering Outer Space Farming!
WP 034 – 2023.03.29
At APEC 2022, John H. Scott from NASA presented ‘On the Moon to Stay’, covering power electronics needed for sustainable lunar living. Space exploration breaks limits and benefits daily life on Earth.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Powering Outer Space Farming!

US Railway modernization and decarbonization towards net-zero emission by 2050

WP 033 – 2023.02.14
The Biden Administration released the U.S. National Blueprint for Transportation Decarbonization, detailing the strategy to achieve net-zero emission reduction goals by 2050. That will include railway modernization and implementation of modern power supplies, at many different levels.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
US Railway modernization and decarbonization towards net-zero emission by 2050

2022 – a year of technology innovations!

WP 032 – 2022.12.07
The Time To Market for new technologies has never been so short and 2022 has been an impressive year of innovations.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
2022 – a year of technology innovations!

European Green deal – where green hydrogen becomes a reality!

WP 031 – 2022.11.07
Green hydrogen will contribute to transform the European Union into a fair and prosperous society with no net emission of greenhouse gases by 2050.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
European Green deal – where green hydrogen becomes a reality!

Smart Power to Factory Automation!

WP 030 – 2022.09.15
‘Smart Power’ has become a marketing buzz phrase and it’s sometimes hard to understand what the ‘smart’ part means. Or put another way – what the benefits are for the end user.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Smart Power to Factory Automation!

Can Hydrogen Store Aeolus’s Power?

WP 029 – 2022.08.14
In the race to reduce carbon emissions and substitute fossil fuels using net zero technologies, over the last 20 years many initiatives have taken place all over the world to deploy greener solutions.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Can Hydrogen Store Aeolus’s Power?

When the Greek god Aeolus meets the Norse goddess Skadi!

WP 028 – 2022.07.14
In less than 10 years wind turbines have become more efficient and more powerful, with the latest generation units being almost as high as the Eiffel Tower and able to deliver 13 megawatts of power – enough to supply energy to roughly 12,000 homes!
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
When the Greek god Aeolus meets the Norse goddess Skadi!

When efficient power solutions meet light in medical lasers

WP 027 – 2022.04.21
When in 1900 Max Planck deduced the relationship between energy and the frequency of radiation, his theory marked a turning point in physics and inspired up-and-coming physicists such as Albert Einstein. Few could have seen the implications of that discovery to the medical world.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
When efficient power solutions meet light in medical lasers

Convection and conduction cooling – what’s next?

WP 026 – 2022.03.15
Considering the amazing increase in power densities that we have witnessed during the last 20 years; thermal management has become a preponderant part of the design process. Layout and mechanical design are now as important as efficiency topologies, and how to evacuate the calories out of modules has become an art!
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Convection and conduction cooling – what’s next?

Green Hydrogen, Myth or Reality?

WP 025 – 2022.01.25
Extracting clean energy from water has been a dream ever since Jules Verne wrote in 1874, ‘The Mysterious Island’ and its vision to extract hydrogen from water. After 147, year where are we? Is Green Hydrogen a myth or a reality?
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Green Hydrogen, Myth or Reality?

Diving into immersed power electronics!

White papers
WP 024 – 2021.10.07
In the quest to increase power utilization efficiency and to achieve the computation of more data in smaller spaces, the computing industry investigated alternative solutions to forced air-cooling.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Diving into immersed power electronics!

From Thyratron to Wide Band Gap – the Power of Curiosity!

White papers
WP 023 – 2021.04.15
As we said in our presentation at the 2020 Electronica Power Electronics Forum, the history of the power industry is fascinating and one full of amazing, genius level engineers who are making power solutions more efficient, lighter, smarter and much more.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
From Thyratron to Wide Band Gap – the Power of Curiosity!

1980 – a pivotal point in the power industry!

White papers
WP 022 – 2021.01.19
October 29, 2020, after seven months of silence due to a major upgrade of the 70 meter wide radio antenna located in Camberra, NASA sent a set of commands to the 43 year-old spacecraft, Voyager 2 that has travelled billions of miles from earth since its launch in 1977. Voyager 2 acknowledged it had received the call and executed the commands without any issue. Interesting for sure – but what is the significance of this to power engineers?
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
1980 – a pivotal point in the power industry!

Smart Power for a Smart Industry

White papers
WP 021 – 2020.06.02
Because power supplies are a core component within any electronics application, the power industry often has to develop power solutions years before certain applications reach the market. This is a big challenge and power designers must perform business trends analysis to define what power solutions will be required in the coming years in the industrial, medical and other industry sectors.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Smart Power for a Smart Industry

Do we really need a new safety standard?

White papers
WP 020 – 2020.03.12
Safety regulations have been in place for decades in the power industry and as we know only too well, have been through lots of revisions. And although each revision has made them more stringent and tailored to our businesses, frustratingly we have become familiar with designing products to conform to latest versions. So why do safety authorities change things that have been in place for so many years?
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Do we really need a new safety standard?

Safe power in magnetic resonance imaging environment

White papers
WP 019 – 2020.01.14
From the smallest to the largest, all electronic equipment requires power supplies, and with the increase in the amount of wireless connected devices deployed in the medical environment, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) has become a big concern for all users.
How to guarantee that power supplies exposed to such extreme conditions will do the job?
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Safe power in magnetic resonance imaging environment

What should you know about RoHS 3

White papers
WP 018 – 2019.04.25
This white paper covers all you need to know about the third revision of the Restriction of Hazardous Substances (RoHS), referenced as RoHS 3.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
What should you know about RoHS 3

The silent power of supercapacitors

White papers
WP 017 – 2019.02.14
When will supercapacitors replace batteries?
Each of those technologies has their advantages and disadvantages, ones that power designers take into consideration when developing power systems…
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Using Supercapacitors for Backup Power and Peak Energy Surges

Powering the future with intelligence and efficiency

White papers
WP 016 – 2019.01.02
Digital power and GaN are both technologies that have been highly debated and challenged when introduced to the market and it is interesting to link both of them in this way, especially when the outcome of combining the best of the two technologies will result in truly outstanding commercial products.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Powering the future with intelligence and efficiency

Power supplies for railway applications – On the rails to 2020

WP 015 – 2018.11.02
In a study presented at the international rail exhibition, Innotrans 2016 in Berlin, the European Rail Industry summarized the state of the business as representing a market size estimated to reach 185 billion Euro by 2020.
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Power supplies for railway applications – On the rails to 2020

DC/DC market trend and technology forward

WP 014 – 2018.04.17
This article is a Q&A snapshot of the power supply industry and DC/DC converters, answering the following questions:
→ How is the market going?
→ In order to grow and increase market share, are you
going to settle new market/product strategies?
→ Among your product offering, which are the more
interesting and innovative?
Learn more about it in our White Paper:
DC/DC market trend and technology forward

Could lighting contribute to feed 10 billion people in 2050? – Lighting from stadium to lettuce

WP 013 – 2018.03.27
With the vital need to save energy, the power industry has permanently innovated numerous ways to increase efficiency including by the way we convert electron to electron. Power conversion ratios are approaching physical limits, energizing researches and inventions and enabling applications that were heretofore impossible or at least not cost effectively viable. Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Lighting from stadium to lettuce

Will the power supply industry adopt the cradle-to-cradle business model?

WP 012 – 2018.03.29
Due to its very nature, the power supply industry has been on a never-ending quest searching for new technologies to improve energy efficiency, safety and miniaturization. Step by step – sometimes small ones, sometimes big – the industry has created power architectures that reduce energy consumption and in many cases has discovered technical solutions to supposedly ‘unsolvable’ problems but is that enough? Learn more about it in our White Paper:
Will the power supply industry adopt the cradle-to-cradle business model?

The fascinating world of the power supply industry

WP 011 – 2018.02.27
The overall market for AC/DC and DC/DC commercial switch mode power supplies (C-SMPS), which excludes consumers and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS), is estimated to be in a range of 22 to 25 billion US Dollars. This level has been stable for more than five years and from an outsider’s point of view, could be perceived as a very static industry with very moderate growth index though that is not the case.
The fascinating world of the power supply industry

Powering marine applications – the many challenges

WP 010 – 2016.11.08
We are all aware of self-driving cars and many other exciting projects that the automotive industry is engaged in, but far fewer of us have heard about unmanned ships and associated projects that will operate large fleets of vessels that are capable of navigating from port to port without operational crews.The use of unmanned ships will require extreme reliability from the main generator through to the single point-of-load, and the challenges and demands placed on power designers will be far beyond anything experienced to date.
Powering marine applications – Powerbox

Automotive 4.0 – The new revolution?

WP 009 – 2016.10.10
The automotive segment is often misunderstood quickly being solely associated with cars and related applications. It is however much bigger than that, including a broad range of applications such as buses, trucks, industrial vehicles, mobile machinery e.g. mining equipment, forklift, cleaning automated machines, emergency, service vehicles and all of them adopting new power technology towards the Automotive 4.0.
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Is your smart grid secured?

WP 008 – 2016.09.15
At time the number of renewable power sources are growing, smart meters deploying and many others connected to the Smart Grid, what is the situation in terms of security? Are we safe?
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Powering Industry 4.0 – Myth or Reality?

WP 007 – 2016.08.25
Many articles announcing the so called fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) are published daily and the reasoning behind the concept to move from a highly automated industry to something virtual, often stimulates debate and interesting points of view. How will that impact power supplies?
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Lighting the future

WP 006 – 2016.06.03
With the vital need to save energy, the power industry has permanently innovated numerous ways to increase efficiency including by the way we convert electron to electron. In lighting, new applications are requiring power designers to explore a new dimension, the efficient conversion from electron to photon which has created the lighting of the future.
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Powering IoT in medical applications with safety

WP 005 – 2016.05.16
Connected Devices and IoT are everywhere and we see them gradually changing our lives throughout; the development of new innovative products/applications able to communicate information that could have vital impact, saving lives and preventing diseases. In the medical segment, safety is the most important parameter designer have to consider when designing new products.
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Power supply & EMC coexistence in Medical space

WP 004 – 2016.04.04
From gadget to vital, Connected Devices and Internet of Things (IoT) are everywhere and we see them gradually changing our lives throughout; the exponential development of small to large products embedding radio-transmitters is developing whilst creating some concerns, in terms of interferences and equipment disturbance, especially in the case of medical applications where it could have severe consequences!
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Power to Home Healthcare in safety

WP 003 – 2016.03.14
With a global population that is both living longer and experiencing an increasing rate of chronic disease, combined with economic factors that are driving the increased of healthcare in the home, there is a growing demand for medical electrical equipment designed for use in home environment, requiring from power supplies manufacturers to not only consider standards and regulations but as well Patient Comfort and Patient Environment.
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Power management 40 years of evolutions

WP 002 – 2016.02.16
With “Energy Efficiency in Mind,” Power Designers have permanently researched new ways to make power supplies more efficient and, helped by the components industry and impressive number of innovations, succeed to brake several barriers that only few years ago seem to be unbreakable.
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Powering safety in demanding applications

WP 001 – 2016.01.04
Industrial power is a fascinating world, especially when designing customized solutions combining multi disciplines, and a segment full of amazing projects requiring from designers large range of competences and tight intimacy with customers and related industry.
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