Kraftforum Göteborg
2017-05-17 — 2017-05-18
Gothenburg, Sweden
Swedish power conference “KRAFTFORUM” will take place at Chalmers University in Göteborg. We are happy to share with you that; PRBX has been invited to share knowledge on Smart Grid Security and our CMCO Patrick Le Fèvre will present a very interesting paper: “From power plant to POL Cyber Criminals are on you!”
At Kraftforum Göteborg industry-leading actors and international experts will present on the latest technology, research and the hottest topics. The world-class seminars and workshops are held by speakers sharing their excellence bringing the power area to new levels. This year the “KRAFTFORUM” will be connected with ELKRAFT 2017 offering opportunities to learn more about the overall power industry and technology. The seminar is free and mingled food and drinks are served after the presentations.
17-18 May 2017
Exhibition address:
Chalmersplatsen 4, Göteborg