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About us

Founded in 1974, with headquarters in Sweden and operations in 15 countries across four continents, Powerbox serves customers all around the globe. The company focuses on four major markets – industrial, medical, transportation/railway and defense – for which it designs and markets premium quality power conversion systems for demanding applications. Powerbox’s mission is to use its expertise to increase customers’ competitiveness by meeting all of their power needs. Every aspect of the company’s business is focused on that goal, from the design of advanced components that go into products, through to high levels of customer service. Powerbox is recognized for technical innovations that reduce energy consumption and its ability to manage full product lifecycles while minimizing environmental impact. Powerbox is a Cosel Group Company.

Established in Japan 1969, COSEL is one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of high performance AC-DC Power Supplies, DC-DC Converters and EMI Filters. With quality, reliability & flexibility as our main focus, we pride ourselves on developing some of the highest quality and most reliable products seen anywhere in the world today. COSEL is a $284m global company employing some 790 staff with sales offices throughout Japan, Asia, Europe and North America.


Our products are at the heart of what makes delicate and complex systems tick. We take from volts to kilovolts, and from watts to kilowatts. We’re the people you turn to when you need to keep a high-speed train in motion, when power must be maintained safely underwater or at 36,000 feet, or when someone’s life depends on a steady power supply to a critical medical device.
We are masters of power.

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Head office

Västberga Allé 36A, 5tr
Hägersten, Sweden
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Powering aesthetic and medical laser

Laser equipment in medical applications require highly reliable and safe power supplies that can deliver very high peak energy levels to the laser or discharge tubes.

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Railway track side modernization

Modernization of railways is done basically with an objective to run existing and new trains at faster speeds safely and to give better customer service to rail users.

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Ecodesign, Reuse, Repair, Prolonging Lifetime and New Technology – Is it the new paradox?

PRBX latest White Paper: “Ecodesign, Reuse, Repair, Prolonging Lifetime and New Technology – Is it the new paradox?”

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COSEL’s 3-phase, low-profile, high efficiency power supply delivers 3.5kW to highly demanding applications

COSEL Co, Ltd (6905: Tokyo) today announced the launch of the HFA3500TF, a low-profile 3-phase, 3-wire 3500W AC/DC enclosed power supply design optimized for industrial equipment such as semiconductor manufacturing, laser processing machines and robotics.

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