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Industrial to us is where EN/UL-60950 is the main standard, as for example in automation, building control, signaling, test & measurement and many more.

We have been powering demanding industrial applications for more than 50 years. The more demanding the application, the better the odds we can offer you a differentiating advantage in the form of an optimized solution. “Demanding” might for instance refer to electrical specification, environmental conditions, EMC requirements, or number of outputs. Our solutions span from single output converters to systems with multiple outputs, redundancy, back-up, etc.

Our range of power converters covers AC/DC, DC/AC, DC/DC with a wide span of voltages and power, from a few watts to many kilowatts. The extensive standard range, comprising a combination of our own designs and products from our leading partners, is complemented by our custom design capabilities, ensuring we can always provide optimized solutions. We accommodate any mechanical format and several different cooling principles. Communications interfaces and control software can also be incorporated.

We have a long term approach to customer relations. Working together we create competitive advantages by means of optimized power solutions.

Download Industrial capabilities brochure.

When conduction cooling is a must!

A number of industrial applications require power supplies to operate with limited or no ventilation cooling. In this respect, those operating in harsh environments where electronic equipment is installed in a sealed box, radio communication systems subject to adverse weather conditions, outdoor displays and traffic signaling, and indoor equipment with very strict audible noise restrictions. In addition to environmental requirements, reliability and cost of maintenance are motivating systems designers not to use fans and blowers. Optimized for conduction cooling, the OFI1200A delivers high performance levels across a baseplate temperature range of -40 to +95 degrees C without the use of a fan.
Link to the product page: www.prbx.com/product/ofi1200a

Typical demanding industrial applications


Our extensive experience in powering industrial applications covers many different application areas, as automation, building control, signaling, test & measurement and many more. Some examples are:

  • Outdoor applications (Industrial cranes, surveillance equipment, remote sites, off shore)
  • Mains grid (relays, generation, transmission, distribution)
  • Control systems (signaling, monitoring, redundancy)
  • Production lines (reliability, redundancy)
  • Oil and gas (ATEX classifications)
  • Mobile applications (rugged pc applications, forest machines, automatic guided vehicles)
  • High-wattage and Multi-channel LED Drivers


The standard which to us in itself is a definition of the Industrial segment is EN/UL60950.

With 40 years of designing Industrial power supplies and systems we are not only experienced in meeting various standards for different types of applications or different parts of the world. We have also followed the development of new standards and are well prepared for the requirements to come.

Caring for the environment

At Powerbox we take an active role in protecting our environment. Our contribution includes:
Streamlined solutions and lean design using fewer components reduces material used. RoHS, WEEE and REACH are among the standards governing choice of materials.
High efficiency reduces energy consumption both directly by reducing losses and indirectly by reducing the need for cooling.
Energy efficient transportation and well developed
use of online meetings are important elements in our determination to meet or exceed international standards by sustaining ISO-14001 compliance or the equivalent.

Get in contact with a power conversion specialist


We lean confidently on over 50 years of experience and subject matter expertise to identify the best means of solving every particular power conversion challenge. Please contact a power conversion specialist with your need today.

  • As of May 25, 2018, a European privacy regulation called The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) has effect. Powerbox cares about your privacy and personal data. To be able to contact you, we need your consent to holding your personal data.

Quick Solution Guides


Download our finder tools which will help simplify your task to find a suitable power conversion solution for your application.
Download DC/DC Quick Solution Guide (PDF)

Product examples


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