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From Thyratron to Wide Bandgap – the Power of Curiosity!


As presented by Powerbox (PRBX) at the 2020 Electronica Power Electronics Forum, the history of the power industry is fascinating and one full of amazing, genius-level engineers who have made power solutions more efficient, lighter, smarter and much more. Although it is difficult – if not impossible – to name all of them, one thing that they all have in common is ‘curiosity’.

Curiosity and the sharing of knowledge regarding new technologies is part of Powerbox’s DNA, with the ultimate goal of providing our customers with the most efficient power solutions for their demanding applications.

Technological evolution is all about curiosity, and from the thyratron to the wide bandgap (WBG) semiconductor, nothing would have been possible without curious and passionate electronics engineers, and we are happy to share ‘our story’ in our recent article from our CMO/CCO, Patrick Le Fèvre, published by Power Electronics News.

Read more about it:
www.powerelectronicsnews.com/from-thyratron-to-wide-band-gap-the-power-of-curiosity/ (opens in new tab)

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